The Principal is the Academic Director of Works in the college, and is the executive authority of the college. As the leader of the academic community of the institution, she should provide  climate necessary for the intellectual pursuit of the staff and the students. She has to play a vital role in motivating and inspiring the academic community towards excellence.

She supervises all the academic programs of the college and keeps the Correspondent informed of all matters of general and financial administration. She represents the college in all academic institutions like the University Grants Commission, the University, the AIACHE, the Xavier Board.

The Principal has the following functions in the college : day to day administration of the college planning, and executing all academic porgrammes, supervision of the teaching and non-teaching staff, allotment of work to the teaching and non-teaching staff in consultation with the Correspondent, drawing up the calendar and time table, curriculum and research, attendance of staff and students, facilitating co-curricular activities and extension services, admission of students, maintaining student and staff discipline, administering scholarships and helping poor students, officially in charge of the Hostel, UGC work, Autonomy, Examinations. She is President of all Associations in the college. She is the recommending authority for loan to the teaching and non-teaching staff.




  • Heads the institution.
  • Responsible for the smooth and qualitative functioning of the institution.
  • Monitors entire academic domain and parameters.
  • Takes care of admissions of students as per norms of the affiliating university/AICTE.
  • Is responsible for discipline among staff and students.
  • Ensures that the institution runs as per the guidelines of the bodies authorized/ concerned.
  • Supervises teaching, learning and evaluation systems.
  • Plans research and consultancy activities and provides the required conducive atmosphere.
  • Encourages innovations and extension activities.
  • Heads all the committees and co-ordinates them.
  • Plans the annual schedule and sees that diary of the institution is executed efficiently and meticulously.
  • Promotes quality in all aspects of the institution.
  • Takes care of placement and student support programmes.
  • Responsible for the code of conduct and ethics, physical education, sports, student clubs, curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Plans and executes the organization of state, national, international symposia, workshops, seminars and conferences in consultation with the departments concerned.


  • Monitors office administration, collection of data and submission of required data to the officials concerned as and when required.
  • Conducts General Staff, Heads of Departments, Departmental, Committees and IQAC meetings periodically or as and when necessary.
  • Takes care of the registers and records as per the norms of the university and other higher bodies.
  • Ensures smooth conduct of tests and examinations.
  • Maintains a healthy rapport with alumni.
  • Promotes linkages, MoUs with other organizations, bodies, industry and signs contracts.
  • Attends meetings called for by the authorities of higher education department on behalf of the institution.



Sr. Rekha’s self-less and dedicated service to the institution over the years is remarkable. She has extended her services to Maris Stella College in various capacities: as Vice-Principal of Intermediate Section, lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Controller of Examinations and finally as Principal of the College. As Principal, she organised the Peer Team visit for the third cycle of NAAC assessment successfully at the end of which the College was re-accredited at ‘A’ level with a CGP score of 3.24. She worked with zeal for the extension of CPE status and Autonomy
It was during her tenure that Maris Stella College participated in India Today rankings for the first time and secured a satisfactory place in Arts, Science, Commerce and BMS programmes. It was again during her headship that the College secured ISO 9001:2015 certification. Of even greater significance are the grants received under RUSA 2.0 scheme. These grants have helped to augment infrastructure: the college has been provided with equipment for three virtual classrooms, one digital lab and ecampus management software. Scientific lab equipment has been procured to to strengthen the laboratories. Renovation work in the PG block has been undertaken. The grant is also financing a new block that will create more classrooms and labs for future expansion. Sr. Rekha was ever enthusiastic to enhance her academic skills. She published research papers in national and international journals. Sr.Rekha is a person who is pure at heart, simple and committed to the core. Her love and compassion extends beyond humans to all other living nag creatures in and around the campus. Many a stray dog and cat have known her tender care and touch.

Dr. Sr. P. JAPAMALAI (2009-2013)

Dr. Sr. Japamalai belongs to the Department of Zoology and headed the institution from 2008 to 2013. Her dynamism is evident in the progress the college witnessed during her tenure as Principal. She introduced relevant programmes at UG and PG levels like BBA, B.Com. Computers, BMS and M.Sc. Statistics and Computer Science. She worked tirelessly for the extension of CPE status and for BSR funds, which were utilised to update the science labs. As Vice-Principal of the Intermediate Section, she is remembered for enforcing strict discipline and for her emphasis on value-based learning. She was efficient in facilitating and steering the preparations for submission of the SSR for the 3rd cycle of NAAC assessment and re-accreditation.
Under her able guidance, Maris Stella won many prestigious awards like Best College in Krishna District for work done to create HIV/AIDs Awareness, Best Tourism Educational Institution at the State level and an Award of Excellence for Promoting Child Rights. She did not neglect infrastructure augmentation, either. A mini gymnasium, a new block for the MCA programme and the foundation for an indoor stadium along with renovation work in the entire campus were taken up during this period. She flagged off the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the college and was instrumental in organizing the memorable three-day valedictory celebrations as well. The General Council of FMM Sisters from Rome, during their official visit to the college in 2010 appreciated the efforts of staff and students in keeping the flag of Maris Stella flying high. As a person, Sr. Japamalai is person, a keen observer, quick to grasp and extremely approachable.

Dr. Sr. LEENA QUADRAS (2007-2009)

Dr. Sr. Leena Quadras joined Maris Stella College in 1984 as a lecturer in the Department of Commerce. She was awarded an M.Phil. degree by Nagarjuna University, Guntur and Ph.D. by Kakatiya University, Warangal. Sr. Leena served the college in various capacities. She was the Correspondent of the college for three years and the Vice-Principal for fourteen years. She played a crucial role in the development of the college.
Various committees set up under the autonomous system such as Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), Grievance Redressal Cell, Attendance and Discipline Committees functioned under her direction. As coordinator of the committee, set up to draft the Self-Study Report and later to recognize the NAAC Peer Team visit, Sr.Leena was instrumental in the successful re-accreditation of the college at the ‘A’ grade level. Her efforts as the coordinator again bore fruit when the institution was recognized as a ‘College with Potential for Excellence.’ During Sr. Leena’s tenure as the Principal, the new courses Bio-Tech at undergraduate level and Masters in Computer Applications were introduced in 2008. A calm and controlled temperament, a systematic mind and a capacity for organization are her forte. Her gentle but firm manner and her long years of academic and administrative experience have helped her to fulfill her responsibilities entrusted to her effectively. Her acute vision and zeal for work with sincere commitment elevated her to the position of Provincial Superior of Mumbai Province.


Dr. Sr. Theresa joined Maris Stella College in 1981 as a lecturer in Chemistry. She completed M.Phil. in 1987 and was awarded Ph.D. in 2005. Sr. Theresa served as the Vice-Principal of the college for about ten years. She was the Co-ordinator of the Steering Committee for Accreditation by NAAC in 1999 and worked as a member of the Peer Team for NAAC for assessment and accreditation of colleges all over India. She was also a UGC member for Commission for grant of autonomy to colleges and Regional President of the Xavier Board of Higher Education.
Sr. Theresa took charge as the Principal of the college in November, 2001. Her tenure saw much development. The college was granted autonomy in 2003 making it possible to usher in its wake major reforms in testing and evaluation together with curriculum development. The college was re accredited by NAAC at the ‘A’ level in 2006. The UGC has also recognized the institution as a College with Potential for Excellence. Sr. Theresa consistently encouraged the professional development of the staff and created the opportunities for all round improvement of students. She is an unusually gifted artist with an unerring eye for beauty. Her melodious singing during assemblies enthralled everybody. All her efforts bore fruit making Maris Stella stand out among the institutions of higher education in Andhra Pradesh.

Sr. LOURDU MARY THUMMA (1995-2001)

The rising young lady, slim and tall, dressed in a wheat brown saree and speaking chaste English in a silvery voice, Sr. Lourdu Mary Thumma, has seen the college through its infancy and nursed the Department of Social Work. Since two decades she has been a whole hearted teacher, serving the college with unbroken zeal and unabated passion. She has been associated with Maris Stella in various capacities at first as a student, later as the Head of the Department of Social Work, next as the Vice-Principal of the Degree classes and as the Principal of Maris Stella. The college is indeed fortunate to have her as its fifth Principal.
Her soft good looks belie her strong determination and will. She speaks out her mind openly and defiantly to anyone who crosses her path. Her immense and abiding faith in God and her total dedication to surrender to His will are indelible. She commands unique respect from the staff and the students. As the Head of the Department of Social Work, she took a keen interest in the upliftment of the down-trodden and the emancipation of women. But her interests were not confined to her subjects alone; they included many other objects of study indicating the complete balanced mental personality. She has a strong passion for helping the under-privileged. Her love for work is excelled only by her love for students who approach her freely. She was accessible to all. She had the perseverance and confidence that can convince her colleagues when her plans and proposals were not so readily accepted. But often her decisions were right and they were the final. Her execution thereof was immediate and thorough. Certainly, Maris Stella led by Sr. Lourdu Mary marched forward in serving the cause of education of the young women.

Sr. CECILIA REDDEM (1987-1995)

Behind every institution there are great persons. All the honours won by this prestigious institution may be attributed to the pioneering spirit of her dedicated sisters and dynamic Principals. Sr. Cecilia Reddem is one among them. Sr. Cecilia served this great institution for twenty-five long years in different capacities as teacher, Vice-Principal and Principal. A devout nun and an able administrator, she carried out the assigned duties with the utmost dedication, with profound faith in God.
She was illustrious band inspiring teacher, students were inspired by her lectures. Hundreds and thousands of students have carved a niche in various fields and they are indebted to their Alma Mater through her assiduous efforts. Sr. Cecilia’s contribution to the growth of the college has been considerably large. She gauged the changing demands of our times when she introduced Electronics, Computer Science course at U.G. level and the Post Graduate sections in English and Economics. Her focus was not merely on academics. During her tenure, Maris Stella made a fine mark in sports and cultural activities and year after year our students have brought home proud trophies. Thanks to her vision, today Maris Stella College boasts of owning a fine Basket-Ball court. She has left her imprint upon the campus too. Never can one approach the administrative, P.G. blocks, Auditorium without recalling the zeal and commitment with which she conceived and nursed these projects. She has bestowed her attention on every nook and corner of our welltended grounds so that perhaps there is not a blade of grass that grows without her knowledge. Instances are many to show that she was the embodiment of love, never with prejudice against anybody. It is worthwhile to recall the saying of Leo Tolstoy who said “A great man is one who is guided chiefly by his own thoughts and other people’s feelings.”


Sr. Jeyam Subramaniam was a dignified person with culture written on her face. She worked as the Principal of the prestigious Maris Stella College between 1979 and 1987, for a decade – the longest period, during which she led the college to great heights. She was a multi-faceted personality. First and foremost, she was a great scholar with an ocean of knowledge, well-versed in many branches of knowledge. Her speeches in high-flown English were music to our ears and an inspiration to our minds.
Sr. Jeyam was democratic in her attitude and approach, and she did not stick to meaningless traditions but brought about a number of welcome changes and gave every talented lecturer and student her due opportunity. She was an academician and encouraged staff members to improve their knowledge and qualifications in every possible way. She was a pioneer and brought about many changes for the better. She was the one who introduced the celebration of Teachers’ Day in the college. In those days respecting teachers was of utmost importance and her motive behind this is the principle ‘Acharya Devo Bhava. During her tenure, the Silver Jubilee of Maris Stella College was celebrated in 1987, with much gusto and enthusiasm. Sr. Jeyam was interested in co-curricular and extracurricular activities and encouraged and inspired both lecturers and students to participate in various literary and cultural activities like debates, elocution, essay writing, music, dance, drama, rangoli, flower shows, drawing, sketching and painting competitions and even arranging different kinds of exhibitions. The academic year was also studded with many such activities. The trend continued in the following years too.


Sr. Teresita was a lady of short stature but every inch of her was pure dynamism. She was not a person one could easily forget. Qualities of both head and heart were so well blended in her that one could proudly say- Here is a lady- ‘A lady of exceptional qualities.

Her exterior frightened a few. They shivered when she stared at them with rounded eyes through her thick glasses. But such occasions wererare. She was a strict disciplinarian, very particular about punctuality.She was a perfectionist also, who could never standslovenliness orlethargy in any one. She herself was full of energy and life, alwaysbrisk and smart. She radiated energy and energized those around her.Her tough exterior could melt into motherly love and concern when occasions demanded it. She was a guiding force encouraging andhelping everyone to do better.


Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. The glorious history of Maris Stella College instantly brings to mind the visionaries who shouldered the initial responsibilities of building this great institution. One such visionary is Sr. Ann Marie Daly fondly remembered as mother Proinsias. She is not just the Foundress but also the first Principal of Maris Stella College from 1962 to 1969. With only an indomitable spirit and a strict disciplinarian training, she took up the challenge of motivating the denizens of Vijayawada to mobilise resourcesmoney and materials to establish the imposing structures of Maris Stella College that stand witness to the glory of generations of educated women.
The beginning of the history of Maris Stella is intricately and intimately woven into the life of Mother Proinsias for the institution that stands proudly today was nurtured by her strong yet caring hands in its infant stage. She along with the then Vice-Principal Sr. Sylvester instilled in staff and students a feeling of togetherness which was the need of the hour in moulding this premiere institution. With an immense faith in God and abundant confidence in her staff, she led the college into the paths of glory. It is said, she selected the staff members very carefully and trained them personally. Her love made them feel that college is the second home and secured their unflinching support and whole-hearted cooperation in creating a legacy of high class education. She was not just the boss but a friend, philosopher and guide to the lecturers of her time, lending her helping hand in times of need and moulding their career. She was a hard task master too. A person with an eye to the minutest detail, she loathed mediocrity and spurred her staff and students to strive for excellence. A gold-medalist herself she undertook the task of training the pioneer members of the departments and inculcated in them punctuality, sincerity and dedication so that they would remain as models worthy of emulation to the future generations entering the portals of Maris Stella.