The Principal is the Academic Director of Works in the college, and is the executive authority of the college. As the leader of the academic community of the institution, she should provide climate necessary for the intellectual pursuit of the staff and the students. She has to play a vital role in motivating and inspiring the academic community towards excellence.
She supervises all the academic programs of the college and keeps the Correspondent informed of all matters of general and financial administration. She represents the college in all academic institutions like the University Grants Commission, the University, the AIACHE, the Xavier Board.
The Principal has the following functions in the college : day to day administration of the college planning, and executing all academic porgrammes, supervision of the teaching and non-teaching staff, allotment of work to the teaching and non-teaching staff in consultation with the Correspondent, drawing up the calendar and time table, curriculum and research, attendance of staff and students, facilitating co-curricular activities and extension services, admission of students, maintaining student and staff discipline, administering scholarships and helping poor students, officially in charge of the Hostel, UGC work, Autonomy, Examinations. She is President of all Associations in the college. She is the recommending authority for loan to the teaching and non-teaching staff.
- Heads the institution.
- Responsible for the smooth and qualitative functioning of the institution.
- Monitors entire academic domain and parameters.
- Takes care of admissions of students as per norms of the affiliating university/AICTE.
- Is responsible for discipline among staff and students.
- Ensures that the institution runs as per the guidelines of the bodies authorized/ concerned.
- Supervises teaching, learning and evaluation systems.
- Plans research and consultancy activities and provides the required conducive atmosphere.
- Encourages innovations and extension activities.
- Heads all the committees and co-ordinates them.
- Plans the annual schedule and sees that diary of the institution is executed efficiently and meticulously.
- Promotes quality in all aspects of the institution.
- Takes care of placement and student support programmes.
- Responsible for the code of conduct and ethics, physical education, sports, student clubs, curricular and extra-curricular activities.
- Plans and executes the organization of state, national, international symposia, workshops, seminars and conferences in consultation with the departments concerned.
- Monitors office administration, collection of data and submission of required data to the officials concerned as and when required.
- Conducts General Staff, Heads of Departments, Departmental, Committees and IQAC meetings periodically or as and when necessary.
- Takes care of the registers and records as per the norms of the university and other higher bodies.
- Ensures smooth conduct of tests and examinations.
- Maintains a healthy rapport with alumni.
- Promotes linkages, MoUs with other organizations, bodies, industry and signs contracts.
- Attends meetings called for by the authorities of higher education department on behalf of the institution.
Dr. Sr. P. JAPAMALAI (2009-2013)
Dr. Sr. LEENA QUADRAS (2007-2009)
Sr. LOURDU MARY THUMMA (1995-2001)
Sr. CECILIA REDDEM (1987-1995)
Sr. Teresita was a lady of short stature but every inch of her was pure dynamism. She was not a person one could easily forget. Qualities of both head and heart were so well blended in her that one could proudly say- Here is a lady- ‘A lady of exceptional qualities.
Her exterior frightened a few. They shivered when she stared at them with rounded eyes through her thick glasses. But such occasions wererare. She was a strict disciplinarian, very particular about punctuality.She was a perfectionist also, who could never standslovenliness orlethargy in any one. She herself was full of energy and life, alwaysbrisk and smart. She radiated energy and energized those around her.Her tough exterior could melt into motherly love and concern when occasions demanded it. She was a guiding force encouraging andhelping everyone to do better.