DMOZ: Open directory project
DMOZ is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It was historically known as the Open Directory Project (ODP). It covers arts, business, computers, games health, home, kids, and teens, news, recreation, reference, regional, science, shopimg, sports etc. It is constructed and maintained by a passionate, global community of volunteers editors.
E-print network
It is a vast, integrated network of electronic scientific and technical information created by scientists and research engineers active in their respective fields, all full-text searchable. E-print Network is intended for use by other scientists, engineers, and students at advanced levels. It is a gateway to over 35,300 websites and databases worldwide, containing over 5.5 million e-prints in basic and applied sciences, primarily in physics but also including subject areas such as chemistry, biology and life sciences, materials science, nuclear sciences and engineering, energy research, computer and information technologies, and other disciplines .
The MathGuide is an Internet-based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in mathematics, located at the Lower Saxony State- and University Library, Göttingen (Germany). Resources are described and evaluated with a set of Dublin Core metadata.
It is a project based at the faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. The resources are relevant for sociologists and other social scientists. The intention is to provide a comprehensive listing of all sociological resources on the internet. It is a useful instrument for all social scientist in different fields of sociological study.
WWW Virtual Library
It is the oldest catalogue of the Web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva. It indexes covers broad area of subjects such as agriculture, law, education etc. Each entry within the subject area links to the appropriate internet resource and is accompanied by brief description and a relevancy ranking.
ipl2 is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment. Topics include current events and issues, helpful tools for information users, human interest, and more.
The CESSDA Catalogue enables users to locate datasets, as well as questions or variables within datasets, stored at CESSDA archives throughout Europe. It provides common interface for many of the social science data archives in Europe. The major objective for CESSDA is to provide seamless access to data across repositories, nations, languages and research purposes. CESSDA will encourage standardisation of data and metadata, data sharing and knowledge mobility across Europe.
Academic Journals
This site provides subject wise open access journals in various subjects.
World Scientific
This site provides access to various subject journals
OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. It includes repositories of many universities and institutions. It covers many subjects including social sciences.
This site provides various resources for social sciences
It is full-text online library of over 2 million articles on subjects like Psychology, Education, Law, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, and Economics and so on. It also includes 70,000 full text books in various subjects.
This is a Reference Portal for Information on Hindi Language and Literature (हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य की वेब निर्देशिका).This website lists description and links to resources for Hindi language and literature. It is an attempt to bring together at one place all the useful and important references and links on Hindi language and literature from where users can go to desired information.